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Hi @Pinkfluffyunicorn24 , this all sounds really frustrating.


It sounds like you've done lots of reflecting on all this, and it's really great that you're able to identify that you just want a space to vent, rather than advice or problem-solving. Being able to actually articulate how you're feeling is such an important communication skill and you should be really proud of this!


I think that parent relationships are such an important relationship, and they can be incredibly complicated and multifaceted. I also think it's so so normal for this relationship to feel challenging at times too. I have so many friends who have felt similarly to you, so please know that you are definitely not alone in this.


The way you describe feeling, particularly in relation to driving, is really understandable. Of course you want to have your P plates, the independence that comes with this is massive and such a big step. I remember feeling so free when I first got my P's and was finally able to actually go places by myself! I can imagine it would be really frustrating and upsetting to feel like your parents are trying to stop you from having this experience.


Also, I just wanted to mention that your dog sounds gorgeous and also that I love your username, it's so cute!! 💖

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