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It always facinates me to hear what people wanted to be when they were growing up to what they are doing/working towards now. For my entire life, I wanted to be a teacher. So many people in my family were teachers and nearly all our family friends were teachers, it was familiar and I always had that trait to lead discussions and help teach people things. 


Then when I was 13, I decided I wanted to be a performing arts teacher. I danced for 15 years and played heaps of instruments so it felt like a no-brainer. Then when I was 17 and in Year 12, my music teacher (funnily enough) spoke to me about my love for psychology and said that some of the best teachers study their topic, then study teaching. So I am studying a Bachelor of Psychological Science but am not sure if I still want to go into teaching.


It always made me nervous about me changing my mind of what I wanted to do for the future but I definitely agree with your statement that the challenges and external factors that we've faced has only made us stronger and more resilient. I am proud of what I came from and the growth I have gone through

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