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Hey @Bean99 

If you don’t mind me budging in a bit to have a chat with you a bit


First of all, thanks for being willing to share as much as you are comfortable with us, it definitely was not easy and it’s good that you have opened up a bit.


I’m also an international student and honestly I feel you as well. It is definitely no easy coming over someplace new, especially since you came over to another country as a means of improving the lives of the people that have cared and supported you 


Quite frankly, I am also quite scared at failing as well because similar to you my parents are also getting a tad old and I have some pressure on performing for the sake of my sister who also has quite a large age gap with me as well (13 years).

The first time I came over I wasn’t doing too good as well, but that subsided after I got a good group of friends which I was able to lean on during tough times.


For me, it would definitely help if you could open up a bit as well. I get you as well as I also came from a culture which does not do well with emotional expressions and you are often shunned for showing a sense of weakness, but I would encourage you to have a go at it and be honest and a tad more open with people if possible.


As mentioned previously by @Bailey_RO , there are University counsellors that you can rely on for assistance, Kids Helpline as well as talk to a peer worker on Reachout as well.


In any case, I hope this helped a bit and hope you do better soon.




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