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What an interesting topic of conversation @cteeniee


When I was younger I had no idea, I thought maybe a teacher. I also thought maybe a marine biologist. Then I thought I wanted to be a psychologist.


I started a 3 year degree in Psychology and Counselling (which I am one semester away from completing). I realised I didn't want to do psychology that much anymore, and maybe wanted to do counselling instead, or sexology.


Then I started looking into jobs I could get with my degree and looked into stuff like child protection, corrections, domestic violence work, etc... which made me question if I even want to go on to do postgraduate studies for counselling, etc, and rather just get a job in one of those fields that doesn't require postgrad as these types of jobs encompass a lot of my interests and passions.


I still don't 100% know where I'll end up, and thats ok. I'll figure it out with time and experience.

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