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Final Grades: Let's Talk About the Bigger Picture

Hi everyone,


With uni final grades being released soon, I know it's a super stressful time for many of us. It can feel like everything is riding on these numbers, and the pressure can be overwhelming. But I wanted to remind you all of something important: grades do not define you 💜


1. You're More Than a Number

Your worth isn't measured by your GPA or any grade you receive. Think about all the qualities that make you who you are—your kindness, creativity, resilience, and passion. These are what truly define you.


2. Learning Over Grades

University is about learning and growing, not just getting good grades. Focus on what you've learned throughout the semester and how you've grown as a person and a student. These experiences are what will stick with you long after you’ve forgotten the specifics of any class. What's one thing you've learned this semester that you’re proud of? 🎒


3. Everyone's Journey is Different

Comparison is the thief of joy. It’s easy to look at others and feel inadequate, but everyone has their own unique path. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they might seem. How do you celebrate your accomplishments?


4. Failure is Part of the Process

If you didn’t get the grades you hoped for, it’s okay. Failure is a natural part of life and learning. Use it as an opportunity to reflect, learn, and improve. Remember, some of the most successful people have faced setbacks and used them as stepping stones.


For any uni students out there awaiting results, I’m curious as to how you’re feeling and how you manage stress during exam periods and grade releases? What are some non-academic achievements you’re proud of? Personally I am proud of the new friendships that I have started and maintained over the semester. 👥


Remember, this is just one chapter in your life. You have so much potential and so many opportunities ahead. Keep your head up, take care of yourself, and be proud of how far you’ve come.

Best of luck to everyone, and feel free to share your thoughts and experiences here! 💜



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