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I completely relate @cats_wherever. This can be really tough. Study can keep us occupied. I found this incredibly difficult especially when I finished uni and now that I am looking for work. I have a lot of time on my hands and that isn’t always a good thing for me personally. It makes motivation to do anything really difficult for me which is why routine is so important. Setting goals is always helpful. Whether that is drinking water, eating a healthy meal, going for a walk or just leaving the house and doing something that makes you happy. As easy as it is to stay up late and sleep in when you are on break it is definitely important to have a routine so when you go back to uni you are still in a routine and that is going to help you study. I would set aside some time to make a routine that is engaging. I always find that checklists and colour (using planners or a white board) are helpful and being able to see you have achieved something that day is a great motivator. 

You mentioned that you are worried that this change in routine might be affecting your mental health. I have been there before and it can be really challenging getting back into a routine when you feel this way. Can I ask if you have any support at home?

I am so sorry to hear about your physical health issues at the moment and I hope that you’re feeling better soon! Take care and here if you need to chat 🫶🏻

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