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@Green_Ghost I love this post idea!! 


Your road trip sounds like so much fun, I hope you have the best time!!! 😃 You absolutely deserve a holiday! - and I think it's fantastic that you're taking some time to celebrate your achievements and travel somewhere you've always wanted to visit. Do you like long car rides? - I haven't really done a road trip before per se but I find that I weirdly do like long car rides, especially if I'm with friends 😂.


There are both big and smaller things that I'm looking forward to!! Today I did a bit of online shopping and ordered myself a tracksuit matching top and pants so that I can stay nice and cosy in this cold weather. So short-term i'm definitely looking forward to wearing my new comfy clothes, and being warm and cosy while I go for walks 😊


Also, long-term, i'm really looking foward to a concert I have coming up at the end of the year! I've got tickets to see Hozier who has been one of my favourite artists for so many years now!! The concert falls just after I finish uni for the year (and finish my undergrad degree!) so this is going to be such a nice way to treat myself and celebrate. I'm also going with friends so I've been having lots of fun chatting with them about what songs we're most excited to hear live! 


Thankyou for sharing, and thankyou for reminding me to take a minute to reflect on all the good things I have coming up 💜

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