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I'm so happy to hear that you are doing okay at the moment and that you have a support system during this time in your life! 


I am sorry to also hear that the relationship has come to an end. I am sure you are feeling defeated, hurt, and exhausted. How have you been coping with this loss so far? 


You also said you feel like the bad guy. Would you be able to share why you feel this way? Thoughts such as these are very normal for the time being as you reflect on your relationship. You mentioned before that a relationship is a two-way street, hence why you may be feeling guilty and responsible at part for the end of this relationship. I hope that you also take some time to remember all the things you did right by your partner, and that you acknowledge how big and kind your heart is. 


I am very thankful that you chose to reach out and share your story, hope to hear from you soon 🤗

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