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Hi @alikay_jay


Thank you for sharing your experiences. It's amazing news that you're finding counselling helpful and you're getting a lot out of it. You're not alone in feeling run down after sessions! Therapy takes a lot of emotional effort and can be very confronting and overwhelming! I'm not seeing a therapist/counsellor at the moment, but when I was, I would usually reserve time afterwards to process the session. This might involve journalling or looking over any of the "homework" my therapist gave me. I see this as a sort of "warm down" you might do after exercising. Then, I would do a lot of self-care which can look different for everyone - I liked to play games, read books or take a walk or nap. Take it easy on yourself - you're doing something difficult and it's okay to need some time to recharge ❤️ Does anything come to mind that usually helps take your mind of things?


Have you spoken to your counsellor about how you're feeling after sessions?

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