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Casual scribe

breakup with ex in friend group part 2 (update)

Hey guys, its been a while since ive been on here and thought id do a bit of an update situation.

 i am sleeping a bit better now and feeling miles better than when i first wrote the message.

There's a bit thats gone down since i've written the first message. My ex and i don't talk at all now, despite his initial sayings of he really wants to be friends. When attending small group hangouts, he'll stand there but not talk to me at all which i find quite strange and weird on his part. Due to this i feel uncomfortable, but i try to brush it off, trying to not let it affect me and just have fun with my other friends there. I've recently been told about some other mutual friends having quite long term crushes on him, and although i am sure that i do not like this man anymore, i feel quite strange and uncomfortable as it does explain why those friends are distancing themselves from me a bit! im not quite sure how to approach that situation.

my focus is still all over the place and i still have no motivation to get much done. anyone have any tips on how to get it back and some ideas about what to do about the friends distancing situation?

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