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Hey @greyskies


I am so happy to hear of the improvement. As they say time heals. It sounds like you have a really strong grasp of your thoughts and feelings which is great to see. With him being still being bit weird in social circumstances maybe it is just taking him a bit longer to readjust to the new relationship dynamic. 


I love to hear that you are relying more on your other friends who are their, that is exactly what friends are for. 

The situation with some friends having crushes on him does throw a spanner in the works but as long as you know you are not interested in him anymore maybe you can seperate yourself from that situation and fcous on your own wellbeing.

For your motivation I would suggest taking it slow and steady. Setting small achievable goals and then building them into bigger ones as just coming out and saying I want to do (whatever it is) is more likely to lead to failure and decrease the your feelings of self efficacy and motivation for the next attempt to achieve a goal if that makes sense.

In regards to the friends thing there are so many ways to go about it. You can ask them some more questions for clarification on where they stand with him and you and then you can decide how you feel about them and communicate it back. Try and avoid ultimatums and try to be non-judgemental when listening to their point of view as well.

You are doing so well I am really proud of how you are handling this situation and seeking support that you need WOOHOO

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