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Hello @nedscultmanager


In my opinion, you are valid to say you feel as though you have ADHD without a professional diagnosis if you experience the symptoms associated with ADHD, which it seems like yourself and multiple other people have noticed. 


I recently went through the diagnosis process with my partner - he is in his mid 20s and felt like the symptoms were impeding on his everyday work life and studies. I would definitely recommend booking an appointment with your GP, they will be able to discuss the process with you in more detail. However, our journey, started with the GP where they did a referral to a psychiatrist. Our GP was so helpful and did around 12 referrals to a bunch of different places, then it was just waiting for an appointment. The psychiatrist will then do the assessment and diagnosis section, discuss management and prescribe medication if you feel this is necessary. For us, there was an initial appointment, a few tests to do, a follow-up to confirm diagnosis, and then another a few months later to see progress. I am sure this would differ depending on the psychiatry practice, so it would be best to ask the questions when booking the appointment. All up, we were very lucky to get a cancellation appointment, so the process only took around 3 months. All-in-all everyones experiences with the process are different, but this was just ours. I hope this helps give you some clarity 😊

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