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Hello @Sxmply_Leaf 

Sounds that you have a rough situation going on at the moment.


But I’m glad that you manage to find someone that shares a similar interest with.


In regards to your difficulties in connecting to people, that sounds rough. Personally the first few group of friends that I had, we didn’t start out connecting much either ( as we sorta all had very different taste and interests)


But what I found out what worked for me in connecting with them would be things that are not just interests ( could be similar experiences in life, sense of humor etc), I feel like I got to connect by being mindful and curious of people’s interests as well. Because while I don’t enjoy their interests, the way they talk about it ( their passion, it resonates with me and helps me to connect with them)


In regards with you falling in love with people that have similar interests, I feel you as well, I had a similar sort of issue as well when I was falling in love with people who were kind and nice to me.


For this issue, I had various chats with friends that were in relationships, that helped me to understand the different between a good and nice pleasantry with that of romantic interest 😅


So ya I get there, people look more appealing when they share our interests and thoughts, but it’s worth identifying the signs a bit more closely before jumping to conclusions (maybe talk to someone close if you can or make out a list or write out how you are feeling about that person to have a bit of an overview of your feelings)


In any case, I hope this helped and feel free to reach out if you need any more advice ☺️

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