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Hello @Waffles , 


Firstly, thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings, this can be a challenging and difficult thing to do, and I admire the strength you have had to reachout. 


It sounds like you are currently going through a lot of challenges regarding your family - with your mum, dad, and aunt. You mentioned a number of red flags, and by the sounds of it, your feelings are completely valid. I am wondering how you have been coping with your aunty re-entering your life after 7 years?


I really sympathise with you and your feelings surrounding your two cats. I cannot begin to imagine how you must be feeling as it seems as though your aunt is pushing blame onto you about the health of the cats. It sounds like you have been a responsible cat owner thus far, and you have a lot of love towards Elliot and Rudey (beautiful names by the way 😍). You have taken them to the vet when necessary and had them looked at by animal welfare when they have gotten out which is exactly what I would have done. I am wondering whether you could speak with your mum about what has happened and see if she could get through to your aunt? 


If you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out. I unfortunately do not have a lot of advice to give in this situation, but I think you are completely valid in your feelings. I hope that you are reunited with your fur babies soon 😻

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