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Community Manager

Hi @Waffles , welcome to the ReachOut community! It’s so lovely to have you here 😊


Thank you for sharing your situation with us. It’s really upsetting to hear what you’re going through right now 😞. You clearly love your cats very much, and it sounds incredibly painful and confusing to have trusted your aunt to look after them, only for you to feel betrayed by her actions. Your feelings of devastation and hopelessness are completely understandable!


I’m wondering whether you’ve told anyone in your life about what you’re going through? Or if there is anyone you can think of who may be able to help you navigate this situation with your aunt? 


Your cats have clearly been a great source of comfort for you. With them no longer living with you, do you have anything else that brings you a sense of comfort at home? Are there any coping strategies or activities that provide you relief when feeling down, even if it's just a little bit? 


I’m also curious to hear how things with your mum have been since the cats have moved out of your home. 


You also mentioned that you’ve been struggling with money since being unemployed, and I think it's pretty common for this to put a strain on relationships with parents and your own well-being. I wanted to share two articles we have on coping with financial stress and unemployment stress which I hope you find helpful. 


Thank you again for reaching out and sharing your situation with us. The ReachOut community is here for you 💛

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