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Hi Green_Ghost!!


It sounds like you're in a tough spot right now. I'm actually having very similar issues with my manager at the moment too. Same things like not being rostered on for many shifts and being spoken to rudely. I like my coworkers and often work weekends when the manager isn't there so it makes it a lot easier to deal with shifts when I get them and have a good time. Still, when I do get a shift with her it can be challenging as I feel like I'm walking on eggshells most of the time. 


Here's a couple things that I do to try and get through the shifts with her so I don't lose my mind. 

1. Try to talk more to my coworkers/customers. As I said before, I like my coworkers and get along with them so I mainly try and interact with them than my manager. If I am speaking to my manager, it's mainly to talk about work stuff rather than small talk. Though if she mentions something non-work related (which is rare) I continue the conversation the best I can. I also try to talk to customers more. This helps to have a more enjoyable shift and also ticks off customer service. I find that my manager likes this as well because she sees me trying to help the customers rather than just chatting.


2. Always have a task or look busy. My manager is very business minded so as long as I'm doing a task (even if it's an easy one) she seems to leave me to do it. This can be something as simple as refilling bags, checking the daily budget, helping a customer find something etc. Another suggestion is to put yourself forward for tasks that you enjoy more. For me, I prefer to do stock than help customers so I tell my manager that so she puts me on stock shifts. I've found that when managers are harder to deal with, it's because they are not as people-centric as we might expect a manager to be. Showing that you are "business minded" as well can help you to get in the good books. 


3. Treat yourself. I like to get myself a nice snack or drink on my break or after work if I've had a particularly tough shift. This improves my mood and gives me a second to ground myself and calm down. It can be really hard to go to work when you feel discouraged and off-put by your manager so a little treat can go a long way. 


4. Talk to family/friends/coworkers about what your feeling. Everytime I finish a shift my mum and I have a mini debrief about what happened. It often leads to my mum agreeing with me and telling me that it's temporary. Eventually you and she will move on and the situation will resolve itself. You might also find that she is probably treating your coworkers the same way, so they might have some insight into how they cope or feel about the situation. For me, almost all of my coworkers hate my new manager and her attitude towards us is often a topic of conversation. But it is reassuring that I am not being targeted by my manager as it often feels like.


Hopefully these help but for the most part, hang in there!!! It sounds like you are so close to the finishing line so it's only a little longer till you can leave 😊

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