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frick yeh you are on the right track for sure. It is so common its really infuriating, I guess agism works both ways 😅 

I recently had a conversation with my boss to ask for a raise and it was the scariest thing I have done work related ever but once it was done I felt so much better for it. I was so sick of being underpaid and I finally said something and it actually worked out so I really have faith that if the manager is a decent person they will understand once you tell theem that their comments are constructive and hopefully maybe rethink their words. Because you never know maybe they genuinely think right now they are just giving you good feedback that isn't hurtful.

You are doing great and have the same mindest I would in your position. Though do try and enjoy the parts of the job that you can as well if you can, working shouldn't be all bad.

Are you planning on doing a post grad after your degree? I am praying to get into psych honours

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