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Hello @Green_Forest 


It’s good to see that you are back!


Also it looks like you are also having quite a hard time at the moment, as it must be very difficult getting your parent to understand you or get on the same page as you.


The article that @Stormy-RO has shared on how you can make your parents really listen I believe is a really excellent resource to use.


Because I personally have employed some of these tactics as well. For instance, I have had a lot of back and forth with my parents in the past on the subject and program that I ended up taking up as of now.


And a lot of the strategies that was in that article really helped ( such as waiting it out and trying again) but another way in which I convinced my parents was getting the help of others close to me as well as them ( such of my close relatives), and which was the key success for me.


However if that’s not available, that’s alright too, a key step would just be to wait it out for now and then observe how your parents are feeling. When you start to calm down, try to employ the tactics in the article that @Stormy-RO has shared, and see how you go.


Also are they any other tactics that have worked out for you that you recall, perhaps it could be useful for this situation?


In any case, I hope this helped and I wish you luck.





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