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Hi @Green_Forest , I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this right now 💜


It sounds like you're really upset that your parents are preventing you from seeing this person you really like, and this is really understandable. It also sounds like you really enjoy spending time with this guy, and that your connection with him is something really important to you. I really get that you would feel like your feelings are being dismissed and treated as unimportant in this situation. Parents are super important figures in a person's life and it's important that they support you and communicate with you, rather than simply outright prohibiting you from doing things, or seeing certain people.


I totally second the advice from @snazzy_pigeon and checking out the article that @Stormy-RO linked below. I think that by taking a chance to organise your thoughts, or write them down, before you chat with your parents would be really beneficial in the sense that it would make sure that you get to say all the things you really want to say. It's really easy in these types of conversations to get caught up in the moment, and let our emotions take over, and while this is totally understandable, it also sometimes means that you don't actually get to make all the points that you wanted to! So, I think planning something to say could be super helpful. I think it's really important that you feel able to communicate openly with your parents, especially about things which are really important to you! Your feelings are important and you deserve to you feel heard, and understood by your parents.


I also wanted to say that your kudos to everyone struggling with mental illness at the moment is really lovely to hear. As someone who has struggled with depression in the past this meant a lot. Mental illness can make even really simple tasks immensly challenging and healing really is an ongoing and non-linear journey. I'm hoping that your taking some time through this tricky situation to look after your mental health too, and do some self-care 💛

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