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I'm a bit late to seeing this but I'm so glad I did. I never knew there was a term for this, but it's something I've seen happen a lot.


I was diagnosed with PTSD a few years ago, when I was in year 12, and I don't think I really noticed people saying things like that until I was experiencing it. It was always things like 'omg that exam literally gave me PTSD' or 'that boy texting me again deadass triggered my PTSD'. And it got to a stage where I'd come to terms with what it meant to live with PTSD and found those comments insensitive and hurtful. ESPECIALLY when some of these people KNEW I had it and it wasn't a joke to me.


I try to be very mindful, myself, of using that language as well and make sure not to use these things as jokes. I also reframed my mindset into ways such as 'that was as OCD tendency', rather than me claiming to have OCD. One 'similarity' doesn't mean you can just diagnose yourself with this and invalidate those who DO struggle with it

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