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Hi @rivai💛


I am so sorry to hear that you are having troubles at home. I imagine it would be very difficult to deal with all of this, especially at your age. Having problems with your parents can be difficult, like you said - they can be loving and caring, but their words and actions can also be hurtful which is very confusing and hard for us to deal with. you definitely don't deserve to be treated this way, and it's great that you have come to ReachOut for support. 

I am wondering is there anyone you would feel comfortable speaking to about this in person? maybe a school counsellor, or trusted teacher? or even a friend?


I understand that it is a very tricky situation given your age, and I apologise for being unable to give more specific advice. Can I ask if there are any self-care strategies you are using to take care of yourself at the moment? (e.g hobbies, exercise, meditation) that often helps me during difficult situations.

sending love 🫶🏻



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