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Hello @Blueberry_Pidgeon


I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling in uni and feeling lonely and helpless. As an International student who moved here to study 2.5 years ago, I can understand your feelings to a degree, especially with social life and the lack of support from friends and family back home. Sometimes I also feel very lonely and isolated, wanting to give up my study and go back to my circle. It is also rough seeing my friends back home having fun without me - almost like they don't need me anymore. 


However, in saying that I think you are having a much harder time than me. I am sorry to hear that. Is it possible for you to make friends in uni, maybe people in your class? And you mentioned you rarely leave your room to hang out with your housemates, is it an active choice? I think it might be nice to try to hang out with them as well, unless you feel like they don't really mix well with you?


Other than that, I suggest that you connect with your friends and family more from home, through text or even facetime! I believe it can really recharge your battery and lift up your spirit. Whenever I talk to my friends and family from home, I am reminded of our past and I am always recharged by our shared laughters and concerns. I am sure yours will provide support and reassurance to keep you going! 


This might not be a very well-rounded response but I hope you feel heard and understood! You should be proud that you've already done 3 years, but in any case mental health should always be your first priority. Me and the others here on RO are here for you if you want to talk more!


Sending hugs.

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