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Hi @Blueberry_Pidgeon 


It sounds like you’re going through a really difficult time. Feeling homesick and missing your family is not a nice feeling, as someone who has also moved far away from my family I have felt many of the same things. It is extra difficult when it becomes a barrier to your ability to do things day to day.

To echo what @PinkyPixie  said, I have found it really helps to have regular calls with my friends back home. While sometimes it makes me sad that I am missing out, it reminds me that there are lots of people who care about me back home, and it fills the time when I’m feeling lonely. I also like to call my friends and family when I am on a walk, because I find the exercise can help to cheer me up if I have been at home all day.


It’s great to hear you joined a club at uni!! For me, that is how I made many of my uni friends. Have you tried inviting the people you meet at your club to study with you or hang out around uni? Since they have joined the same club as you they will probably have shared interests so you’ll have things to chat about! It might also be worth checking out what other supports your uni has on offer - some universities will have peer or academic support that may be useful.


Moving away from home is hard, but I find it helpful to remember that what you have done is really brave. Hopefully some of these strategies will be helpful, you've got this and take care of yourself ❤️

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