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Hi @Forest_Badger

Thank you for making such a lovely post! Self-care is such an important thing to practice, and I feel like this post is such a good reminder for us to set aside some time out of our day to give ourselves a little TLC.

This morning, I made myself a batch of matcha pancakes and did a face mask on top of my usual skincare routine; it was very theraputic.

I usually make myself a matcha latte in the morning, and the process of making it is very relaxing and allows my mind to simply focus on making the matcha latte rather than trying to think about what I have to get done that day/in the future.

Going out in nature is so healing too! If your mind is overthinking, I highly recommend going outside and maybe try counting how many birds you see, or how many flowers you can find on your walk.

- Matcha_Toad 🐸🍵💚 

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