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Hi @Infinity


What a good post!! Self-care is such an important part of our wellbeing and there are so many ways to do it. Like you said, going on walks is a great way to get some fresh air. It's getting sunnier where I live so definitely nice to go for a long walk in the sunshine.


I also like to engage in a lot of arts and crafts which can be completed in a couple hours. These are small fun activities which give a sense of completion because they don't take too long. they also allow me to be creative and play around with different materials and combinations.  I personally find them quite relaxing and can also open up my eyes to different skills I might enjoy. I got into pottery this way!!


I've also been doing some cooking lately which has been really fun! I have never seen myself as a great cook but recently I've been leaning new dishes that I've been dying to try and its been quite rewarding. I've found it quite relaxing to do, especially with some music or a podcast playing in the background.


I hope these help you in finding some good activities for some well deserved me time!!!

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