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Hi @yeah_it_tahtperson


Thank you for sharing. It sounds like things are really frustrating for you at the moment which is completely understandable. Year 12 was one of the worst years for me and I felt burnt out and irritable most of the year. Not knowing how scores are calculated is just added stress of the unknown and definitely takes its toll. I can really hear how fed up you are from your rant and I agree with your sentiments about not missing high school. I certainly don't miss it and don't believe you have any obligation to, even though many people do.


If it helps, I've been at uni for quite a few years and met people who got into university through all different means. I know year 12 is your whole world right now and the fear of not getting into the course you want is probably weighing on your mind so I'm not going to try and tell you that 'it won't matter' because I hated when people told me that and at the time, it was all that mattered to me even if it doesn't matter to me now.


I just want you to know that I'm rooting for you and here to talk. Have you been able to talk to anyone in your life about what's been going on? What are you hoping to study at university, if you don't mind me asking?

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