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Hey @Appel


Hope you are well! I 100% understand where you are coming from, as I myself have done 4 years of university across two campuses in two different states. During this time I have experienced the exact feeling you are talking about. It is an awful feeling and I am sorry to hear.


From my experience there is no "right" way to study. But by the sounds of it, you are doing just fine by getting HDs! That is awesome and congratulations. You should be very proud.


I think the difficult thing for me was finding a study/work/life balance. You are in second year, so by no means are you expected to have it figured out. HDs are so time consuming, not just for you but for EVERYONE.


I would personally recommend considering a job in hospitality. Very easy to get into, great with uni schedule, and really solid skills that employers look for. But honestly the best part of hospitality are the friends you will make by working. My hospitality co-workers are my best friends, and its amazing that I basically get paid to spend time with them.


With regards to time commitments, maybe just set aside ONE night where you don't do any university work (Saturday) and see how you feel. If you don't fall behind, maybe consider looking at applying for Saturday night shift work at a restaurant or bar?


If you have any questions about this, reply and I got you covered!


Hope this helps!

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