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Hi @Appel


You are not and will never be a burden. You are getting HD's that is actually insane!! If you aren't sure if you are studying together and are still getting HD's you are a smart cookie. I am in my 4th year and only now I have figured out what works for me study wise for efficiency and efficacy. I look at the assignments before the semester even starts and then through doing my lectures and tutorials I take regular notes and then also pick parts of those notes to put into my assignment plans. I find this saves me a lot of time planning my assignments and I can get straight into writing them when need be.

You know you are not lazy and thats what matters. I feel like finding ways to maximise study productivity and scheduling is important for finding time for other commitments. I have a google calendar with different colour codes where I plan each week by the hour ahaha its a little crazy but it helps me stay on schedule and reduce the overwhelming feeling of having so much to do when I can see visually where I have free time and when I have to do certain things.

At the end of the day everyone has different capabilities. If it effects your grades to study less and grades are your focus for now, that does not make you lazy for not having other experience.

I can see you want to expand your skills and try new things so maybe take some time to figure out how you can study most efficiently and effectively to try and make more time for other things.

You are doing great!

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