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Hey @Rara !


I know you posted this a while ago but I only just saw it so i'll definitely be adding my two cents 😂.


I really loved the movie, and I absolutely agree with everything that you've said here! I think that both of the Inside Out movies are incredible at providing as kind of crash course on emotions, especially for older children/tweens. I think it's super educational but also just very fun and pretty poignant too. I think I saw the first movie when I was 10 or 11 and at the time I think it really had an impact on me.


I really relate to what you said about the moment where Riley has a panic attack, it made me feel really emotional as well. One of my loved ones experiences chronic panic attacks and I've recently had a few myself too so seeing such an ernest depiction of one on screen felt incredibly moving. I also really liked how the panic attack scene highlighted both the psychological as well as physical symptoms of anxiety too! I feel like in the culture many people tend to forget just how physically debilitating anxiety can be sometimes.


My only gripe with the movie is re the Ennui/boredom character. Although I loved this character's sarcasm I myself don't think that i'd characterise boredom as an emotion per se, to me it feels moreso like a temporary state of being? I could be wrong, who knows, but I just wanted to put that out there 😂.

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