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Hello @Lucky_Fynn 

Thank you for sharing your current situation and welcome to our community, we are happy to have you 💜☺️ 


I would like to say that it is amazing to see that you found pronouns you identify with and you like using them that’s a step of self awareness you took so good on you 👏🏼 


Even though I cannot relate personally to your situation, I am sorry that you feel like you need to hide your true self from others because of culture and religion and the stigma around identity, sexuality and gender, it is unfair on you and I understand you must feel very frustrated and discouraged. 

Do you have anyone in your support network you can talk to about this? Have you seen a counsellor or psychologist before? How was your experience if you have? 

I will attach a link below of support services specifically for LGBTQI+ individuals, maybe you could have a look and see if those are helpful.

I hope this was helpful and please don’t feel alone in this, we are all here for you. 

Be safe and take care, chat soon 💜😊


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