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Hey there @PSYC_G4L

Welcome to the RO community! It is so great to have you with us and to see that our community brings positive energy to you. 


Thank you for sharing your study tips. This is so valuable to me and other students as I have ADHD, and sometimes I struggle with studying and ways to study that don't hurt my brain...


Taking breaks is essential between study sessions. I also recommend trying out the Pomodoro method, which works on intervals of 25 minutes and shorter breaks when those minutes are over. It helps you stay focused and take a break before you lose it. There are many free timers and apps online that use this technique, so have a look and see if that interests you. 


I also find handwriting notes really helpful. I read what I write simultaneously, and it helps me retain the information better. 📝


I am keen to hear your thoughts. If anyone else would like to share their tips or what they have tried, we can all get some ideas and inspiration from each other. 📚💜💡

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