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Hi @forest_falcon


Thank you for being vulnerable with us and letting us know how you feel. It is hard having to let someone go when you don't want to, but ultimately she is thinking of you in the sense that she doesn't want to 'half ass' the relationship. and from your own words  You deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you and has the time for you. Maybe in future if things change she will say something.

You say you don't want to hurt someone else. How did you hurt someone previously? If you dont mind me asking.


Going on apps is a greatway to meet people and is honestly how half of my friends have met their partners. If you are ready for a relationship and are open to meeting new people I say give it a go!

But as much as it sucks not everyone you like is going to like you back. It is a tough truth you have to preparfe for. But at the end of the day you shouldn't put in effort with someone who doesn't want to be with you! Finding a good relationship involves a lot of resilience, you will probably get hurt throughout the process but you have to be vulnerable enough to do so to find the one that sticks!

You have got this, I am wishing you all the love and success in the world!

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