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Casual scribe

by myself in the middle of nowhere. - Poem

Hiya, this is a poem I wrote recently about feeling alone and angry. As a reminder, I am safe and have been for 58 days now. 

P.S. you have a beautiful brain xoxo


Floating on an island by myself in the middle of nowhere.
Shifting in a state of denial,
Not showing any signs of despair.
Stuck in a never ending cycle.
Am I boring you?
Deal with it. It's my turn to speak.
I am drowning by myself in the middle of nowhere.
I am already weak,
Why do I also have to feel bleak?
I am the only one who is still aware.
I am the only one who still cares.
I am theirs. Or am I?
I don't know anymore.
All I know is that I feel like I am by myself in the middle of nowhere.

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