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Mindfulness meditation

Hey guys! 

Just thought I’d share a resource that I personally have found really useful - mindfulness meditation! I’d highly recommend trying it out if you haven’t yet.


I personally really enjoy a type of mindfulness called a “body scan”, essentially you get into a comfortable position and slowly observe the feelings you have within your body, one body part at a time! I’ve found it really useful in helping me recognise the physical sensations of anxiety or worry within my body, which allows me to practice my grounding skills sooner, before my anxiety escalates. 

There’s plenty of mindfulness meditation videos on YouTube that you can access, some are even just a couple of minutes long so you can get in a quick bit of self-care as needed! This is a skill that requires practice, so I’d recommend giving it a go even if you’re feeling good right now, so you can be well prepared to use it next time that you feel a bit anxious! 

I hope this is helpful 💛

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