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What Are Your 2024 Highlights So Far?

Hey yall!

Since we are more than halfway through 2024, I thought it would be cute to start a thread sharing our highlights of the year so far! I find that looking back through the year (whether it was good or bad) helps me realise how much I have grown and changed in such little time, plus I find it a good little reflection task in general. These highlights can be happy, emotional, funny, whatever you like! Here some of mine:

  • My boyfriend staying at my place for a month 
  • Getting to say sorry to someone for some cringy stuff I did in my teens (they forgave me!)
  • Going back to the Philippines and getting to bring my boyfriend along with me
  • Getting my P's (it feels good to go wherever I want without waiting for PT!!!)

Looking forward to reading some of yours! 


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