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Hey @Giraffelover


I absolutely love that you broke the big task down into smaller tasks. I feel like ticking things off a list, no matter how big, makes me feel so productive as there's a visual progression line.


In terms of feeling exhausted afterwards and needing a nap, this could be very normal. You know your body more than anyone else but I don't think you should feel ashamed for needing a nap.


I often need a nap if I've woken up early and worked all morning, I'll have a 30 to 60 minute nap. I believe as long as it doesn't impact your overall/overnight sleep, naps are absolutely fine. 


A suggestion that may work for you is creating a 'nap tracker', write down what you did to feel tired and how long you slept for. Having this list can help for if it comes more of a concern and you may need to bring it up with a professional. I try to track all of my naps for this same reason.


Keep doing amazing and living life to your fullest 🎉🎉

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