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Hi @Lavender_Shrew


I'm so sorry to hear about your Nanna. My grandma passed away about 8 years ago now from cancer and I still have moments where the grief comes back. It will just take one thing - like a bracelet that looked like hers or seeing someone who looks like she did to set me off. @Scarlet_Locust is right that there is no timeline for grief. Sometimes it leaves for a long time and sometimes it's there every day. For me, it always helps to share my grief with someone else, even if they didn't know my grandma. Sometimes you just need to let it all out and cry and tell someone how unfair it all is. Is there someone you feel comfortable doing that with like a friend or family member or counsellor? If not, sometimes just talking to yourself can work too. Just know that you are allowed to feel this way and sit in your grief as long as you need. It's okay to miss her as much as you need to and think about your memories together ❤️

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