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Starting New Medications

Hey guys,

Happy Mental Health GIF by Jimmy Arca

I wanted to talk about starting new medications. It’s something that I have really struggled with in the past. I was really worried about the potential side effects and used to monitor how I felt so closely that minor issues became major stressors.


Here are somethings that I do now to reduce the anxiety of starting new medications:

  1. I try to start medications on a day when I’m not doing anything. This means that if I feel sick because of the medication, I don’t need to worry about having to go out and do things.
  2. I try to avoid looking at the list of side effects as much as possible. Sometimes not knowing what to expect is easier.
  3. If I look at the list of side effects, I try to remember that it is a list of every possible thing that could happen, not what is going to happen to me.
  4. I try to maintain my usual diet, drink enough water, and get enough sleep. Having a stable base is important for working out what is a side effect.


It can be really hard to remain positive when medications aren’t working quickly but it’s important to give the medication a fair trial. Most medications take a while to work. This means that people often stop medication before it has a chance to be effective or stop at a dose that is too low. It is frustrating but try to be patient. It may be helpful to monitor the symptoms that the medication is supposed to help in a journal. That way you can see improvements in symptoms more easily.    


If you can’t tolerate the side effects of the medication, it’s important to discuss this with your doctor. Sometimes there are additional medications that can be used to manage side effects, other times a different medication may be required. I used to worry that if I complained about the side effects of a medication that was working, I’d be taken off that medication and not given something else. This has not been the case. Good doctors will always work with you to find the appropriate medication. If they don’t, you may need a new doctor.


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