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AMAA: Navigating anxiety in public



I was out grocery shopping with my partner and my anxiety crept up on me in a way I hadn’t been expecting. I wasn’t expecting it because I was genuinely having a good day.

We didn’t have trouble parking, my clothes felt a little uncomfortable but wasn’t too bad and when we got inside some music I like was playing on the radio.

But at some point, I felt my heart start to beat fast and my breathing was quite shallow, and I only noticed these changes because my hand was instinctively tapping on my chest as a way to try and reset myself.

I rounded a corner and found my partner down one of the aisles and for the first time in my life I shared with someone ‘I think I’m having an anxiety attack

- Triple_A_Battery


Experiencing anxiety in public can be really overwhelming and confronting, so let’s open up the conversation about strategies that might help. This month we’re hearing from our very own Peer Worker from PeerChat, Triple_A_Battery, about their own experience with navigating anxiety in public. They’re looking forward to sharing with you, and would love to hear any questions you might have! 


Hear from Triple_A_Battery

A bit about me

The name Triple A Battery comes from a big part of my unique lived experience with Autism, ADHD and Anxiety. Through my own mental health journey, I’ve found space where I feel comfortable with sharing that experience and using it to support others. 


Let’s talk about it!

What are some questions you might have about anxiety in public? Chuck them in this form! 

At our next event I’ll be sure to finish my story above with how I managed my anxiety this time, answer some of your questions and share some of my other strategies too. 


In the meantime…

I would also love to hear your wins, what’s worked for you when you’ve felt anxious in a public setting?

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