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Casual scribe

Hi Elia, thank you for posting and sharing with the community about what’s happening lately at home, it shows a lot of strength and resilience, and I’m glad you have reached out here.


I want to first highlight how frustrating and disheartening it must be to continue being dead named and misgendered by your parents, no one deserves this. I can also imagine how this is starting to have a major impact on you and your mental health, as it must be hard seeing the different type of support that your brother receives.  

Handling all this is a lot by yourself and I’m interested if you have had the chance to reach out to a friend or a psychologist/counsellor about this?


I want to commend you on being able to write that letter to your parents, it’s not always easy to advocate for yourself and this is a huge step. I can hear how challenging it has been to communicate with them, especially about the hidden clothes as well, and you might be interested in this article about how to get your parents to really listen to you. You may also want to check out this article about having difficult conversations and how to tackle them.

I am also wondering if there may be a possibility to have a conversation with your older brother and get their support with navigating this conversation and conflict with your parents?


I want to thank you again for sharing and opening up with the community and If you ever need some extra support or help, QLife is an online service where you can call or chat anonymously and receive free LGBTIQ+ peer support.


Hope to hear from you soon. 

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