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Hi @Planetary

I'm so sorry that this happened to you, nobody deserves to go through that and especially with a friend who you are supposed to be able to trust. It sounds like you're experiencing some symptoms that can occur as a result of trauma, i.e. the flashbacks, touching and whispering sensations.


Also just wanted to say that it is totally valid to want to take action, even if your parents did not want you to, though I'm glad they support your decision. Nobody should be able to get away with SA, especially given the psychological consequences it can have on SA survivors. Not to mention taking pictures when you're asleep is also totally not ok.


I would definitely recommend counselling, grounding, and mindfulness from my own personal experiences with trauma. @Gemz , in the comments, has listed these and more in their suggestions, which I second. Grounding in particular is very useful for trauma because it transports you to the present, and stops you from fixating on the past. As "grounding" suggests, it grounds you in the present/in the moment. I would highly recommend the "5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste."

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