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Oh my gosh!! I am so proud of you for writing that letter and following through! Pat yourself on the back for that. I think them asking you if you wanted to talk about it with them is hopefully a good sign that they are ready to hear you out and have constructive discussion. I definitely think in your own time when you are comfortable and ready you should find a time to have that chat with them. Even if you text them and ask what time suits them so you can prepare a litle bit yourself. I feel like instinctually in situations like this people become super defensive so it's really important that when you have conversations with them to keep your cool and not get frustrated as hard as it may be, because anger from your end will just make it more difficult for all of you to resolve things.

I definitely think discussion with them is the best way through and alonside that keeping up self care and affirm to yourself who you are! (and as hard as it is trying to overcome the desire for parental approval). 

You are doing so well and I wish you all the best. I look forward to hearing some updates soon!

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