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Hey @Sunset_Crab

Thank you so much for sharing what you've going through. 


I can see that you've been having a tough time trying to set boundaries and feeling like you're bending over backwards trying to make others happy. It is completely valid to feel tired of playing this mediator role between friends. It's also great to see that you've realised how much of an impact this is having on your wellbeing and how you're trying to stop this from continuing! 


Setting boundaries can be incredibly hard, and it could be something that you may need to do lots and lots of times before it starts to feel comfortable. As many of the others have suggested, you can start by just letting your friends know that you are feeling tired or needing to focus on yourself at the moment. It is also perfectly acceptable to not provide any reasons at all! It sounds like you've been an amazing, supportive friend this whole time, so hopefully your friends can understand where you're coming from. 


Take care and please don't hesitate to reach out again if you're needing any support💛

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