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Hi @miso_soup ☺️


I’m so proud of you for choosing to cut contact with him after turning him down, especially after having spent so long being with him as friends and romantically. And I see that you’ve set a boundary so that you can remove yourself from hearing about his current situation, it’s good to hear you’re looking after yourself in this way ❤️

It’s so so so fair to be feeling upset about seeing your ex-partner with someone else. Although you don’t want to be with him, feelings of longing and “what ifs” always come up when reflecting back on relationships after they’ve ended, even if they don’t resonate with your actual feelings. I can imagine how confusing this all is for you 😞

It sounds like hearing about your ex-partner’s new relationship has been making some negative thoughts about comparison and self-worth start to come up too. Knowing that he wasn’t making much of an effort at the start of your relationship, of course you’ll be feeling upset seeing him do this in this new relationship 😞 A gentle reminder that what he does in his future relationships does not define who you are and what you deserve. You are worthy of being taken care of to the utmost!!! You do deserve people who choose to make you happy ❤️


Your thoughts and feelings might become clearer with time 🥺 Especially since you saw him with a new person so soon after you cut contact with him, I imagine how sudden and out of nowhere it would have felt. For now, be kind to yourself and allow yourself to feel anything that your heart feels. Talking about these feelings with friends or family you trust might also help to clarify them a bit more! I think it’s also really important to spend time doing other things you love to ensure that these feelings won’t have too much of a negative effect on you.


I hope you will start to feel better about this in your own time ❤️ Let me know if you’d like to talk about this more ☺️

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