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Hi @yeah_it_tahtperson 🩵


It is completely understandable to be exhausted at this time of year. It’s very busy and I am sure you have been studying so hard. I think you shouldn’t feel guilty at all for feeling this way and not doing much this week. I actually think you should be proud of yourself for listening to you body and being aware of when you need to reduce your workload.

You mentioned having no outlet at the moment, and while it may seem impossible to do other things while you are so exhausted, I think having something to take your mind off exams could be helpful. I always find it helps me unwind to do some exercise (even if for a quick walk). But if that seems too much at the moment, there are plenty of other things: e.g cook a nourishing meal, spend time outside, or any other form of self care. This way, our bodies and minds can feel restored in order to tackle any other jobs we have to do. Check out the Self care space here on ReachOut for some great ideas or tips.

Each day is one step closer to the end, and you have achieved so much to even get to this point, so well done! 👏

sending love and strength, you’ve got this 🫶🏻


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