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TW: Warning signs for DV/IPV

TW: Hi online community!

I've seen a lot in the news recently about domestic violence (DV) and intimate partner violence (IPV). I thought I would make a post highlighting some of the early warning signs to spread awareness for everyone. Please scroll on now if any of this might be triggering.


  • Overly controlling behaviours (e.g., controlling who you can see, where you can go, what you can do).
  • Blaming you for their problems.
  • Physical abuse (e.g., hitting, slapping).
  • Verbal/emotional/psychological abuse (e.g., degrading insults, putting you down, ignoring you/silent treatment/withholding affection).
  • Sexual abuse (e.g., forced assault, pushing boundaries, lack of consent).
  • Financial abuse (e.g., controlling your access to money).
  • Threats of violence/threatening behaviour/intimidation (e.g., "I'll hurt you" or "I'll hurt others you care about.")
  • Isolating you from friends or family/support networks (e.g., not allowing you to see them, talking badly about them, etc...)
  • Checking your phone, constantly checking to see where you are, insisting on tracking your movements, use of curfews, stalking.
  • Pushing for fast commitment (e.g., moving in together quickly, love bombing).
  • Gaslighting and manipulation.
  • Insisting on relationship privacy (e.g., "others don't need to know our issues.")
  • Threatening to harm themselves if you leave or go against them.
  • Consistent criticism (e.g., criticising how a person dresses, their opinions, etc...)
  • Love bombing after abuse (e.g., an abusive situation takes place and an abusive partner may say afterwards "I'm so sorry, I love you so much, it'll never happen again I promise.")
  • Using children to control partners (e.g., threatening harm to the child if their partner does not comply with them).


Please don't hesitate to reach out to 1800RESPECT if you feel you need help (or 000 in cases of emergency) 💜

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