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Super frequent scribe

Not doing too well

I am really not coping at the moment. I only have a few weeks left of school before exams (I am in Year 12), and I feel like I am not going to be able to get all my assignments done in time, and I am so anxious about failing exams. I have a school musical I am taking part in, and production week coincides with my second week of exams. I can't drop out of the musical as I have a significant role and I don't have an understudy, so I don't want to put the teacher running it under that stress of trying to fill my role. I feel so behind in my schoolwork, and I have a really bad crush on my best/only strong friend, so that is so hard too as I don't want to ruin our friendship. My chickens have been dropping like flies, and I'm not entirely sure why, and to make matters worse my family's 3-year-old kelpie got run over yesterday when I was at a Bible Study group, and she was dead by the time I got home, so i got home to Mum telling me that my beloved puppy is no longer with us. 

I'm just not doing too great. I've got school again tomorrow, and I really don't think I'm going to be able to keep it together. I hate crying; especially in front of others, as I can't stand the attention. 

Because I have been so anxious and depressed lately, my relationship with my parents has gone down the drain again, so I feel so alone. I just want to get away from it all.

How do I move on and get stuff done when I am struggling so much? I can't afford to lose all this time, but I can't think straight at all when i feel this way.

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