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hey @Scarlet_Locust !!

you have perfectly summarised what I'm feeling rn!! although it's sucks, its kind of nice to know that there are people who are having/have had the same experiences and that ultimately we all pull through. I know logically it will all work out but far out am I ready to graduate this year. So happy to have such great replies from people on this thread with the same or similar experiences and great advice to back it up. What you mentioned about finding people with similar situations as being a big part of coming into queerness hits sooo hard.

On the point of coming out, I feel really lucky to have felt safe and/or comfortable enough to do so and recognise not everyone has had that. I didnt have much of a choice when it came to coming out to some people, but I'm really grateful to have had an accepting circle that made it all feel worth it.

Idek how much there'll be to update on, but so down to chat more! 🫶

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