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Hi @Green_Ghost


Congratulations on almost finishing your degree! That’s such an exciting milestone, and you should be proud of your hard work.

One of my favorite tips for interviews is to ask the interviewer questions about their role and industry trends. In many of my interviews, I ask about both their experience and current developments in the field.

For instance, you could ask: “With the rise of AI, how do you see its relevance in psychology and counseling?”

You can then follow up with questions like:

  • “Is AI usage encouraged or discouraged in this company, and why?”
  • “If encouraged, how do you use AI in your daily work?”
  • “If not, do you foresee AI becoming relevant here in the future?”

Asking these kinds of questions shows you're informed about industry trends and eager to understand how they impact the company and your future role.


Let me know if you have any thoughts or further ideas on this. All the best for your interviews!



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