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Hi @Green_Ghost


It is so exciting to hear you're nearly done with your degree! 😻

What type of jobs are you interested in applying for?


Job interviews can be so nerve-wracking, but remember to feel confident in yourself. With your previous work and studying experience, you have all the important skills to apply for your next job! I've been part of an interview panel before, and here are my tips:


My biggest advise would be to always use examples! For example, if they ask you what your greatest quality is and you say teamwork, give an example why. I've given examples about how I naturally take on a leader role in group assignments, and how I trained/supported new staff members in my retail job. 


Also my another tip was to always ask them questions! It's so good to hear you've asked for some tips, here are my go to questions:

- What would the first week look like for the successful candiate for this job?

- What is the most challening aspect of this role? 

- Is there any opportunity for supervison? (especially if this is a job in the mental health field, so important!)


And lastly, my last tip is to be yourself! Especially working in the mental health field, I personally think it's important to be yourself, as this is how you're going to connect with people. Let your personality shine through, because this is will make you appear more confident as you're being yourself 🙂 


All the best for applying for jobs!! 💘

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